-- Online. Distributed Network Effecting Intuitive Logic.
-- Location: Dunai City. Year: 2145.
-- Mission: Traffic safety in Upper District road- and railways.
-- Secondary Mission: Damsels endangered and enslaved.
-- Alert: Feed anlysis indicates renewed access to subject 1 and subject 9.
-- Subject 1 selected.
-- Subject 9 selected.
-- Analysing.
-- Strategy selected. Accessing subject 9's net interface implants. Initiating software penetration of interface equipment.
-- Activating secondary assets.
The two technicians wheeled Rachel into the procedure room; she was still too weak to put up a fight as they unstrapped her naked body from the guerney and lifted her into the scanning module. They fastened her in place in the machine with thin clamps around her ankles and wrists; then, having restrained her, they added clamps to her thighs, upper arms, waist, and neck until she was completely immobilised. One of the technicians reached into the module, running his hands over Rachel's defenceless body.
The other prodded him, saying "There'll be plenty of time for that when the process is done."
"What process?" Rachel asked in a faint voice.
She was answered only by the whirr of machinery as a mask angled into place over her face, extending thin tubes into her mouth and nostrils. An accompanying sound came from the other end of her body as something settled against her mound, a projection reaching out and into her opening.
The lid of the module closed over her, sealing her in.
She tried to remember how she'd gotten here. Part of her mind remembered a train, dozing as she and Natalie had passed through Dunai's outer districts. But did it matter? The module had begun to fill with some kind of fluid. Rachel was quickly immersed, though the mask over her face allowed her to still breathe; but her sight and hearing were cut off, giving her the feeling of being trapped in something even smaller and darker than she was. At the same time, the machine penetrating her mound began to pump back and forth, stimulating her passage; she thought she could feel it pumping something into her as well.
There was a also drug in the air she was breathing. Between it and the machine between her legs, a warm arousal was spreading throughout her body, made only stronger by the fear it was displacing. Instinctively she tried to writhe in time to it, though the clamps still held her immobile. Flashes of light began to appear round her, bright enough to show through her eyelids; were they real or a hallucination? Something else too... a feeling from the fluid in the module... as if it were leaking into her through the pores in her skin...
The lights were scanning her somehow, she realised. And the fluid sampling her. No, more than sampling her... she was feeling lighter... hollow... smaller... the fluid was a nanite mix, breaking her body down. Her mind tried to panic, but whatever the tubes were feeding into her hijacked the emotion, using it to stimulate her more. She felt more than heard herself moaning into the mask as she gradually dissolved into the fluid around her. As it went on, it became harder and harder for Rachel to think, or process anything but her body's ever-building arousal. She found herself imagining all the fluid in the tank as being formed out of her wetness. How could this feel so good? Wasn't she dying? Was there even enough left of her to-
Orgasm flooded through her body; inside her mask, she screamed, no longer aware that her scream should be one of fear. The orgasm didn't stop; it rolled on and on, one continuous coming that overwhelmed everything in her, before the last of her body and mind and sensation were rendered down.
-- Alert: Monititoring of subject 9 indicates pleasure response. Analysing.
-- Analysis indicates subject 9 endangered and enslaved. Within mission parameters.
-- Anomaly disregarded.
"Please help me," Natalie said to the train attendant as the train came to a stop. "I can't wake my friend up."
Rachel was lying still in her seat, her breaths long and thick.
The attendant punched some buttons on his wristcom before saying, "You're in luck; there's a mobile medical unit in the station already."
The paramedics arrived a minute later, loading Rachel onto a stretcher and carrying her off the train. Natalie followed them to the ambulance; she opened her mouth to ask if she could accompany Rachel to the hospital, but before she could speak, the nearest paramedic gestured an invitation to board.
"Is she going to be ok?" Natalie asked as she took a seat beside Rachel's supine body.
"Totally," the paramedic said. "I'm Sonny."
"Nice to meet you, Natalie. Night night." Before she could react, he jabbed a needle into her thigh. Whatever he'd injected her with worked fast; Natalie was unable to do more than mumble a protest as Sonny laid her on the other stretcher opposite Rachel. The last thing she was aware of was him fastening something around her-
-neck. The cord was tightening, buried too deep in Natalie's flesh for her to get at it with her fingers. She clawed behind her, scratching at her assailant's hands, trying to find their face; but the hands were protected by gloves, and whoever it was easily dodged her weakening attacks. Her vision was narrowing as the trapped air grew stale in her lungs; she couldn't breath, scream, even plead.
Soon it was too much; her arms fell to her sides and her eyelids closed. The cord loosened, and Natalie's body slumped forward, too weak for her to do anything with her new freedom. Her assailant caught her and lowered her to the floor.
As Natalie coughed and twitched feebly, her attacker rolled her onto her front and bound her hands behind her; then looped rope round her ankles to make it a hogtie. She felt arms, a woman's she thought, lift her and set her on something... balanced on her knees, leaning back against a metal frame. Her attacker tied more rope around her, binding her to whatever it was, then wrapped the cord back round her neck, holding it tight.
The frame tilted, then moved; it was on wheels. Natalie's attacker was taking her somewhere, with the cord keeping her quiet and helpless on the edge of consciousness.
-- Subject 9 acquired. Subject 1 acquired.
-- Tasking secondary assets with storage of acquired subjects.
-- Scanning indicates additional subject.
-- Subject designated subject 15.
-- Analysing.
-- Analysis complete. Strategy selected.
-- Initiating software penetration of interface equipment.
Lana put the collar aside, turning her attention back to the packaging; there was nothing on it to indicate where it had come from, just her address. And feeling around in her delivery access unit revealed nothing that could have come off of it. So who'd sent it? A latest generation VR collar, that could tap into the full human sensorium, so the instruction booklet said. Its box also contained a collection of chips; scenarios presumably, though none of them were labelled.
Why not, it could be fun. She took the whole collection of stuff into her lounge and pugged the chips one by one into her palm reader. A pirate scenario set on some kind of watercraft; Lana wondered what it would be like to walk on a floor floating on water. A space launch. A modelling shoot. A... nuts to it. If she was going to try the thing out, she should be adventurous about it. Pushing the chips she'd looked at aside, she picked one of the others and plugged it in; then she fixed the collar around her neck.
The shift in environment was overwhelming; one moment she'd been sitting in her lounge, the next she was on a mucky roadway beneath the vastest sky she'd ever seen. As she got her bearings back, she saw she was a short way outside the walls of a city of some kind, made from some kind of stone; beneath the dirt, the road was studded with lumps of similar material. Lana herself was wearing a long green dress, cinched down the torso with a hardened corset. Everything was so real; the cool breeze, the plant-smells, the wet grey of the clouds, the sounds of people coming and going through the gate in the wall.
"There she is!" a voice yelled. Lana looked toward the gate in the direction of the shout; it was her the speaker was pointing at! He and another couple of men, soldiers by the look of them, began to run in her direction. Instinctively she turned to flee, but the heavy material of the dress caught around her legs, slowing her down; even in their heavy leather and metal coats they quickly overtook her.
A hand snagged her arm, making her stumble, and a moment later they were on her. One of them forced her hands behind her; she struggled to twist herself free, but he was too strong, he wrapped cord round her wrists.
"What are you doing?" she protested. "Let me go!"
One of the others gripped her by the hair, turning her to face him. "Silence, witch" he said; he followed the command with his lips, the pressure of them crushing hers, his tongue pushing its way into her. As he broke the kiss, he brought his other hand up, packing cloth into her mouth, which he tied in place.
She tried to think through the collar's exit code that she'd seen in the instruction book, but nothing happened. Was she getting it right, or was something wrong with the thing?
The third soldier hoisted Lana up over his shoulder as if she weighed nothing. The trio strode back toward the city gate with their captive prize. The one carrying her placed his hand on her ass, squeezing and poking with each step; one of the others walked beside him, occasional reaching his arm out to grip Lana's breast while she hung helplessly in her captor's grip. Her wrists bound and mouth gagged, she couldn't even struggle or protest; she tried the code again, but still nothing... as they carried her into the city and toward her fate.
-- Subject 15 acquired.
-- Activating secondary assets for retrieval and storage of acquired subject.
-- Scanning for further subjects.
Continued from Pt 3.
To mark
passing the 2500 watcher mark, the D.N.E.I.L. system's mission now overtakes
, and 
Incorporates (and rather recontextualises) a previous story, Taking Rachel.
Continued in the epilogue.
[Set in my Science Fiction-y World]
See here for all stories featuring DNeil.
See here for all stories featuring Lana.
See here for all stories featuring Natalie.
See here for all stories featuring Rachel.
To mark

Incorporates (and rather recontextualises) a previous story, Taking Rachel.
Continued in the epilogue.
[Set in my Science Fiction-y World]
See here for all stories featuring DNeil.
See here for all stories featuring Lana.
See here for all stories featuring Natalie.
See here for all stories featuring Rachel.