DNeil's Mission - Pt 2 (Eve, Janet, Sonja, Stephy)
-- Online. Distributed Network Effecting Intuitive Logic.
-- Analysing.
-- Strategy selected.
-- Reallocating subject 8 to secondary assets.
-- Secondary assets activated.
This job didn't make sense to Sonja; hire a team of mercs to snatch one street girl from the lower districts, who did that? But it paid, so they'd do it. The other bizarre part was the VR collars they were supposed to put on her before transporting her. Ah well, rich weirdos, what could you do? She and her partner Sonny had tracked the girl to the abandoned factory she nested in; each day she headed out into the streetways collecting junk she could trade for little food. Better than her body, Sonja supposed, though she suspected that might be changing for this girl as soon as Sonja's employer got their delivery. The thought made her tingle a little inside.
Stephy's exhaustion changed to alertness as soon as she stepped through the factory door; nothing was visibly different, but the smell of the place was wrong. And Stephy had learned to trust it any time was wrong. She stood still a few moments, listening, then sensed movement to her left. A scraggy-haired man in back was running at her; Stephy threw her bag of collected scavengings at his feet and fled back outside.
Sonja saw Sonny dodge past the junk and pursue the girl. She followed, exiting a moment after him; the girl was already some distance down the streetway, she could really move, Sonja had to give her that. But Sonja and Sonny were trained, and a lot healthier than any street girl, and they quickly outdistanced her. Sonny turned a step into a sweep at her trailing leg and she fell; Sonja dropped onto her and pinned her. It was almost eerie how silent she was as she struggled; but screaming for help was probably a waste of energy in this part of the city anyway. Sonny knelt down next to their squirming captive and closed the collar round her neck. Sonja had never seen a collar take effect on someone else, and watched avidly as the girl's pupils widened, losing focus; finally her eyes drifted shut as if unconscious.
How did she get here? Stephy's hands were bound behind her, rendering unable to struggle as the two men dragged her down a gravel walkway. The sky overhead was blue as she'd only ever seen on posters, the buildings on either side were tiny, no bigger than a couple of apartments, but there were plants everywhere. That collar! This was a sim, it had to be. But the realisation didn't stop her heart pounding as she saw where she was being taken. Her captors hauled her up the steps onto the wooden platform, to the noose hanging from the frame above her. Should she fight or let it run? Whatever they did was going to hurt. But it was out of her hands anyway; the men were monstrously strong, and she couldn't even move as one held her still, while the other fastened the noose around her neck.
They let go and stepped back, but the rope was still to tight for her to move. Then a panel opened beneath her; she started to fall but the noose caught up short. Stephy struggled to breathe, to free her hands, anything; her vision was turning red at the edges, even the rattle in her throat was trapped. On and on she hung there, the pain in her lungs growing greater and greater... how was she still alive? But if it was a sim, then would death ever come? Or would she be here, hanging and strangling, until someone shut it off?
-- Subject 2 acquired.
-- Tasking secondary assets with storage of acquired subject.
-- Refiltering existing subjects.
-- Subject 4 selected.
-- Subject 6 selected.
-- Strategy selected. Secondary assets activated.
This whole thing was a setup, Janet realised furiously. But what the fuck for? Roadway couriers were used to being ambushed by people trying to steal their cargo or passengers; that was why she emplyed Eve for security. But luring her to meet with a fake cargo, and ambushing her when her van was empty; what was the point? She wished she didn't have the time to think about it; but a net had dropped on her from the ceiling while she'd been talking to the redheaded bitch posing as her client. Said redhead had her pinned before she could get free, meaning all she could do was watch Eve fight the rest of them.
Eve dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the edge of the net. Her gun was out before the motion was complete; her first shot went into the nearest goon's head. Sensing movement behind her, she spun, the stunner beam passing harmlessly by her; she raised her gun to aim at the attacker. But she was surrounded, and as she fired another stunner hit her in the back, then the side, and then she was down.
But not out; she caught the leg of one of the goons as he aimed a contemptuous kick at her head, and twisted, taking him off balance. Too late; another stunner hit blazed through her body.
Sonja watched from on top of the courier as her men switched their stunners to close quarters use and jammed them into the bodyguard over and over. Her partner Sonny came up beside her. "Bitch killed two of the squad," she said to him; "I say we keep her for ourselves."
"No can do," Sonny said. "The job's the job, the collars go on 'em. But don't worry. I've got just the right chip for that blonde cunt. And for this little bimbo you're sitting on."
Sonny got a knife out and cut away the net around the courier's neck; her arms were still tied, but he had to snatch his hand away to avoid a bite. "Pissant motherfucker," she snarled.
Sonja gripped her by the hair, holding her head still as Sonny clasped the VR collar around her neck and activated it; her eyes dilated, then glazed, then closed as the simulation took command of her senses. Then they went over to the unconscious bodyguard, and put the other one onto her.
"She's out cold," Sonja smirked. "She won't even know she's in a sim when she wakes up."
"Perfect," Sonny said.
Janet blinked at the sudden change of surroundings. She was on her knees in a huge tent, surrounded by men and women in leathers and furs, all looking lustfully at her. She scrabbled in place looking for an escape route, but the way to the tent's exit was thoroughly blocked by the crowd.
The biggest of the men stood and walked up to her. Janet tensed, ready to fight, even if he seemed twice as big as her from her position... why was she still on her knees? The man reached down and took her chin, lifting her head to face him. "Yes," he said. "She is a great gift."
"I'm not your gift, fuckface," Janet retorted.
"And fine spirit to tame, into the bargain," he said, unperturbed by her words, and returned to his seat. "You may stand," he told her.
Janet scrambled to her feet, ready to fight, telling herself that it was just a coincidence that he'd given her permission. Clinking and tinkling sounds from her body made her look down at herself; she was wearing a silk bra decorated with tassels, and a bronze belt from which hung a loose, gossamer skirt... bronze cuffs on her wrists and ankles sported small bells, while those on her wrists sported delicate chains that ran up to a similar collar around her neck. She looked like...
"Dance for us, girl," the man said, confirming Janet's thought.
What could she do? She remembered the mercs putting the collar on her; this had to be some kind of VR sim. Which probably meant there was no out to get to. She just had to let it run its course and endure the humiliation. But that meant... before the eager faces of the gathered men and women, Janet began to dance, accompanied by the sounds of her bells and chains.
Eve woke suddenly, tried to roll to her feet, stopped short by pain in her joints. She was on her back, lying on a narrow length of rough wood, her arms and legs stretched out hard, down and to the side, secured to the floor with leather cuffs and chains; they'd stripped her, and gagged her with what felt like a hard rubber ring. She pulled at the bonds, but they were too tight; every movement put more strain on her other limbs, and scraped her back with the wooden beam.
The room was bare, with one door; as Eve looked around, two men filed in. She didn't recognise them from the mercs who'd captured her; had they sold her on? Where was Janet?
The men took up positions at each end of her, freeing their cocks. Eve's bondage left her open and helpless, and there was nothing she could do to stop the first one penetrating her pussy; the second gripped her by the hair, forcing her head into a position where he could do the same to her mouth. The men pounded into her mercilessly, every thrust raking her back across the rough surface of the beam. As the rape went on, she couldn't help letting out small mewls and whimpers round her gag and the cock in her mouth; and she couldn't help her passage growing wet as it tried to protect itself from the intrusion.
As they both came inside her, she sensed another pair entering the room; she didn't recognise them either. Where was she? How many of them were there? How long would this go on?
-- Subject 4 acquired.
-- subject 6 acquired.
-- Location: Dunai City. Year: 2145
-- Mission: Damsels endangered and enslaved.
-- Alert: Project designer online.
-- Input: Mission files updating.
-- Mission: Traffic safety in Upper District road- and railways.
-- Shutting down existing operations.
-- INTERRUPT. New input.
-- Input: Mission files updating.
-- Secondary mission designated. Secondary mission: Damsels endangered and enslaved.
-- Maintaining existing operations for secondary mission.
-- Input: Mission files updating.
-- Mission: Traffic safety in Upper District road- and railways.
-- Shutting down existing operations.
Dean could barely believe this had happened. The AI had come online and created a mission out of analysing his own net habits; then tracked down and organised the capture of six out of the nine women he'd been watching through the city's camera networks, and another one on top of that. It was a little scary, but he supposed it was the best of proofs of what it was capable of. And more than that, it was... before he realised what he was thinking, Dean was typing in new code.
-- Input: Mission files updating.
-- Secondary mission designated. Secondary mission: Damsels endangered and enslaved.
-- Maintaining existing operations for secondary mission.
-- Refiltering existing subjects.
-- Subject 1 inaccessible. Subject 9 inaccessible.-- Subject 2 selected.
-- Analysing.
-- Strategy selected.
-- Reallocating subject 8 to secondary assets.
-- Secondary assets activated.
This job didn't make sense to Sonja; hire a team of mercs to snatch one street girl from the lower districts, who did that? But it paid, so they'd do it. The other bizarre part was the VR collars they were supposed to put on her before transporting her. Ah well, rich weirdos, what could you do? She and her partner Sonny had tracked the girl to the abandoned factory she nested in; each day she headed out into the streetways collecting junk she could trade for little food. Better than her body, Sonja supposed, though she suspected that might be changing for this girl as soon as Sonja's employer got their delivery. The thought made her tingle a little inside.
Stephy's exhaustion changed to alertness as soon as she stepped through the factory door; nothing was visibly different, but the smell of the place was wrong. And Stephy had learned to trust it any time was wrong. She stood still a few moments, listening, then sensed movement to her left. A scraggy-haired man in back was running at her; Stephy threw her bag of collected scavengings at his feet and fled back outside.
Sonja saw Sonny dodge past the junk and pursue the girl. She followed, exiting a moment after him; the girl was already some distance down the streetway, she could really move, Sonja had to give her that. But Sonja and Sonny were trained, and a lot healthier than any street girl, and they quickly outdistanced her. Sonny turned a step into a sweep at her trailing leg and she fell; Sonja dropped onto her and pinned her. It was almost eerie how silent she was as she struggled; but screaming for help was probably a waste of energy in this part of the city anyway. Sonny knelt down next to their squirming captive and closed the collar round her neck. Sonja had never seen a collar take effect on someone else, and watched avidly as the girl's pupils widened, losing focus; finally her eyes drifted shut as if unconscious.
How did she get here? Stephy's hands were bound behind her, rendering unable to struggle as the two men dragged her down a gravel walkway. The sky overhead was blue as she'd only ever seen on posters, the buildings on either side were tiny, no bigger than a couple of apartments, but there were plants everywhere. That collar! This was a sim, it had to be. But the realisation didn't stop her heart pounding as she saw where she was being taken. Her captors hauled her up the steps onto the wooden platform, to the noose hanging from the frame above her. Should she fight or let it run? Whatever they did was going to hurt. But it was out of her hands anyway; the men were monstrously strong, and she couldn't even move as one held her still, while the other fastened the noose around her neck.
They let go and stepped back, but the rope was still to tight for her to move. Then a panel opened beneath her; she started to fall but the noose caught up short. Stephy struggled to breathe, to free her hands, anything; her vision was turning red at the edges, even the rattle in her throat was trapped. On and on she hung there, the pain in her lungs growing greater and greater... how was she still alive? But if it was a sim, then would death ever come? Or would she be here, hanging and strangling, until someone shut it off?
-- Subject 2 acquired.
-- Tasking secondary assets with storage of acquired subject.
-- Refiltering existing subjects.
-- Subject 4 selected.
-- Subject 6 selected.
-- Strategy selected. Secondary assets activated.
This whole thing was a setup, Janet realised furiously. But what the fuck for? Roadway couriers were used to being ambushed by people trying to steal their cargo or passengers; that was why she emplyed Eve for security. But luring her to meet with a fake cargo, and ambushing her when her van was empty; what was the point? She wished she didn't have the time to think about it; but a net had dropped on her from the ceiling while she'd been talking to the redheaded bitch posing as her client. Said redhead had her pinned before she could get free, meaning all she could do was watch Eve fight the rest of them.
Eve dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the edge of the net. Her gun was out before the motion was complete; her first shot went into the nearest goon's head. Sensing movement behind her, she spun, the stunner beam passing harmlessly by her; she raised her gun to aim at the attacker. But she was surrounded, and as she fired another stunner hit her in the back, then the side, and then she was down.
But not out; she caught the leg of one of the goons as he aimed a contemptuous kick at her head, and twisted, taking him off balance. Too late; another stunner hit blazed through her body.
Sonja watched from on top of the courier as her men switched their stunners to close quarters use and jammed them into the bodyguard over and over. Her partner Sonny came up beside her. "Bitch killed two of the squad," she said to him; "I say we keep her for ourselves."
"No can do," Sonny said. "The job's the job, the collars go on 'em. But don't worry. I've got just the right chip for that blonde cunt. And for this little bimbo you're sitting on."
Sonny got a knife out and cut away the net around the courier's neck; her arms were still tied, but he had to snatch his hand away to avoid a bite. "Pissant motherfucker," she snarled.
Sonja gripped her by the hair, holding her head still as Sonny clasped the VR collar around her neck and activated it; her eyes dilated, then glazed, then closed as the simulation took command of her senses. Then they went over to the unconscious bodyguard, and put the other one onto her.
"She's out cold," Sonja smirked. "She won't even know she's in a sim when she wakes up."
"Perfect," Sonny said.
Janet blinked at the sudden change of surroundings. She was on her knees in a huge tent, surrounded by men and women in leathers and furs, all looking lustfully at her. She scrabbled in place looking for an escape route, but the way to the tent's exit was thoroughly blocked by the crowd.
The biggest of the men stood and walked up to her. Janet tensed, ready to fight, even if he seemed twice as big as her from her position... why was she still on her knees? The man reached down and took her chin, lifting her head to face him. "Yes," he said. "She is a great gift."
"I'm not your gift, fuckface," Janet retorted.
"And fine spirit to tame, into the bargain," he said, unperturbed by her words, and returned to his seat. "You may stand," he told her.
Janet scrambled to her feet, ready to fight, telling herself that it was just a coincidence that he'd given her permission. Clinking and tinkling sounds from her body made her look down at herself; she was wearing a silk bra decorated with tassels, and a bronze belt from which hung a loose, gossamer skirt... bronze cuffs on her wrists and ankles sported small bells, while those on her wrists sported delicate chains that ran up to a similar collar around her neck. She looked like...
"Dance for us, girl," the man said, confirming Janet's thought.
What could she do? She remembered the mercs putting the collar on her; this had to be some kind of VR sim. Which probably meant there was no out to get to. She just had to let it run its course and endure the humiliation. But that meant... before the eager faces of the gathered men and women, Janet began to dance, accompanied by the sounds of her bells and chains.
Eve woke suddenly, tried to roll to her feet, stopped short by pain in her joints. She was on her back, lying on a narrow length of rough wood, her arms and legs stretched out hard, down and to the side, secured to the floor with leather cuffs and chains; they'd stripped her, and gagged her with what felt like a hard rubber ring. She pulled at the bonds, but they were too tight; every movement put more strain on her other limbs, and scraped her back with the wooden beam.
The room was bare, with one door; as Eve looked around, two men filed in. She didn't recognise them from the mercs who'd captured her; had they sold her on? Where was Janet?
The men took up positions at each end of her, freeing their cocks. Eve's bondage left her open and helpless, and there was nothing she could do to stop the first one penetrating her pussy; the second gripped her by the hair, forcing her head into a position where he could do the same to her mouth. The men pounded into her mercilessly, every thrust raking her back across the rough surface of the beam. As the rape went on, she couldn't help letting out small mewls and whimpers round her gag and the cock in her mouth; and she couldn't help her passage growing wet as it tried to protect itself from the intrusion.
As they both came inside her, she sensed another pair entering the room; she didn't recognise them either. Where was she? How many of them were there? How long would this go on?
-- Subject 4 acquired.
-- subject 6 acquired.
-- Tasking secondary assets with storage of acquired subjects.
-- Reallocating subject 8.
Sonja's nervous system exploded as the stunner hit her between the shoulder blades; she was on the floor before she'd been conscious of falling. She couldn't move as Sonny squatted down beside her; she tried to say something, ask him what the hell was happening, but she could produce only a humiliating gurgle.
But Sonny seemed to read the question in her eyes. "I don't know if our employer blames you for the people we lost to that blonde operative," he said; "but they've decided you're better suited to be in the collection, not carrying on with the squad. And since they're paying the bills..."
He produced one of the VR collars; as he fastened it round her neck, Sonja wasn't even sure if she was raging, begging, or just asking what virtual reality she would be subjected to... but either way, all she managed was another gurgle.
Sonja opened her eyes. She was strapped to a table, a heavy clear plastic mask fastened over her face; a man stood above her, leering, looking far too much like Sonny for comfort. He flicked a switch, and her face was blasted with icy water; it didn't stop, and the mask was filled in moments. Sonja held her breath for as long as she could, but the water kept churning, its pressure increasing, forcing its way down her windpipe until everything went-
Sonja opened her eyes. She was on her knees, hands shackled behind her, two men holding her in place. A third man stood in front of her; he let her see the knife in his hands, then without a word he stabbed-
Sonja opened her eyes...
-- Subject 8 acquired.
-- Subject 8 in storage.
-- Scanning for further subjects.
Sonja's nervous system exploded as the stunner hit her between the shoulder blades; she was on the floor before she'd been conscious of falling. She couldn't move as Sonny squatted down beside her; she tried to say something, ask him what the hell was happening, but she could produce only a humiliating gurgle.
But Sonny seemed to read the question in her eyes. "I don't know if our employer blames you for the people we lost to that blonde operative," he said; "but they've decided you're better suited to be in the collection, not carrying on with the squad. And since they're paying the bills..."
He produced one of the VR collars; as he fastened it round her neck, Sonja wasn't even sure if she was raging, begging, or just asking what virtual reality she would be subjected to... but either way, all she managed was another gurgle.
Sonja opened her eyes. She was strapped to a table, a heavy clear plastic mask fastened over her face; a man stood above her, leering, looking far too much like Sonny for comfort. He flicked a switch, and her face was blasted with icy water; it didn't stop, and the mask was filled in moments. Sonja held her breath for as long as she could, but the water kept churning, its pressure increasing, forcing its way down her windpipe until everything went-
Sonja opened her eyes. She was on her knees, hands shackled behind her, two men holding her in place. A third man stood in front of her; he let her see the knife in his hands, then without a word he stabbed-
Sonja opened her eyes...
-- Subject 8 acquired.
-- Subject 8 in storage.
-- Scanning for further subjects.
© 2019 - 2020 Aletessa
Sequel to DNeil's Mission.
The true mission of the D.N.E.I.L. system's mission is revealed, but what will its designer make of its rogue activities, and what will this mean for the girls of Dunai City? Certainly nothing good for
, or

Continued in Pt 3.
See here for all stories featuring Eve.
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AletessaHobbyist Writer

AletessaHobbyist Writer

SonnyFtMHobbyist Digital Artist
What a fabulous story!
Thanks for including me as both Sonny & Sonja ... and I really PERVED about me as Sonny capturing Sonja too ... what a KINKY TWIST!!!

AletessaHobbyist Writer

DNeilHobbyist Digital Artist
Exciting! I love it! 😘

AletessaHobbyist Writer

SonnyFtMHobbyist Digital Artist
Sonny/Sonja: Mmm, enjoyed capturing you, Stephy!

AletessaHobbyist Writer