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-- Online.  Distributed Network Effecting Intuitive Logic.
-- Location:  Dunai City.  Year:  2145.
-- Mission:  Traffic safety in Upper District road- and railways.
-- Secondary Mission:  Damsels endangered and enslaved.

-- Alert:  Project designer online.
-- Input:  New subject entered.  Subject designated subject 16.
-- INTERRUPT.  New Input:  designation of subject, subject 0.
-- Input:  Strategy parameters.  Project designer requires active role in acquisition of subject.
-- Analysing.
-- Analysis complete.  Strategy selected.  Accessing environmental and security controls in subject 0's residence.


Niella scanned her schedules for the day.  A couple of cases of cyber-rejection syndrome, a couple of destructive ideation syndrome; all preliminary assessments upon which she would recommend treatment plans.  None of her ongoing cases were up for review. The first meeting was four hours away, which Niella was quite happy about; her head had been killing her ever since she'd woken up.  She stood up to go the med cabinet, but as she did her head swam, leaving her swaying on her feet.
Before she recovered her balance, a hand clamped over her mouth; she froze for a fatal second, unable to process that anyone could be in here with her, then felt the touch of a hyp on her neck.  As she sank into unconsciousness, a voice whispered in her hear, "Sweet dreams, Dr Collins.  I'm going to see them all."

Dean lowered his prey to the floor.  He'd dreamed of this for so long, but never imagined that his AI might make it possible.  He squatted down next to the unconscious woman, and slowly stripped off her clothing; he could feel his heart rate quicken as he manipulated her limp body.
He'd been watching her for years, ever since a mandatory appointment with her to monitor his adjustment to his net interface implants. Watching her and wanting to possess her.  He'd tried to take his mind off of her by monitoring other women through the city's cam network; nine of them, from all walks of life.  Now those nine, along with six others, had been collected by his AI; a creation so intuitive that it had made a mission of his hobby.
But now it was time to claim his original obsession.  Dean took the VR collar out of his pocket and placed it around Niella's neck.


Niella snapped awake, but no sight greeted her; wherever she was was in darkness.  She was cold, naked, she couldn't move; metal clamps restrained her wrists and ankles, along with another wide band of metal around her waist.  What was happened?  How had she gotten here? Someone had... she forced herself not to panic; she could tell the restraints were immovable, and straining at them would only risk injuring herself.

She sensed a movement behind her.  "Who's there?" she asked; as still as she could keep her body, she couldn't keep the fear out of her voice.
"You can call me DNeil," a voice answered; it was hard to tell if it was male or female, or even if it was organic or mechanical.
"Dean and Niella together, as it should be."
"Who the hell is Dean?  What the hell are you?  Are you Dean?"
"I serve Dean, as you do."
"I don't-"

The clamps on Niella ankles moved, spreading her legs apart.  Panic threatened again, screaming in her head to close them against what was coming; this time she couldn't help herself, pulling and wrenching at her bondage until her skin bruised beneath it.  But there was nothing she could do.  A mechanical whirring sounded between her thighs, and a metal length slid into her opening; as it went, a liquid oozed out from the side of it, slicking her passage for its entrance.  Niella let out a humiliated moan as the process made her feel both like she was wet, and like someone was coming inside her.

At the same time, a rough hand cupped over her breast, kneading her flesh; another took hold of her hair, thumb running over her cheek. The hands felt different, the second one smoother than the first; and from the angle, they felt like they were coming from the same place as the mechanical dildo that penetrated her.  What, or who, was it that had her?
Then she screamed as needles flicked out from the side of the dildo, piercing her innermost flesh.


-- Subject 0 aquired.
-- Activating secondary assets for retrieval and storage of acquired subject.


Dean smiled as D.N.E.I.L. relayed Niella's scream to him.  He could see them all.  Denise and Wendy carried helplessly through the jungle, Berseh compliant in the hands of a man designed to subjugate her, Tessa's helpless struggles against her rapist, Stephy strangling in the noose, Janet reduced to a dancing girl, Eve bound and violated by an endless succession of men, Sonja murdered over and over, Ana immobile as she was posed and dressed, Nadine in the hands of a cruel mistress, and Olya and Katie in the maws of a monster.

And now Rachel rendered into fluid; seemingly enjoying it, and adding her own imaginings to the sensations the sim imposed on her.  Natalie strangled into compliance as she was wheeled away.  Lana taken captive by soldiers to be tried as a witch.  And Niella, tormented by an entity she couldn't identify.

The mercenaries were here.  He picked up Niella's unconscious body and carried her to the front door.  The squad leader had apparently been warned to expect Dean, and wordlessly took the captive doctor from him.  Dean closed the door behind him as he left Niella's apartment. Sixteen of them now.


-- Scanning for further subjects.
Continued from Pt 4.

:icondneil: helps :icondneil: kidnap :icondneil:, before trapping her in a VR simulation where she is tormented by :icondneil:.  Seems a fitting way to celebrate :icondneil: hitting 2500 watchers.

[Set in my Science Fiction-y World]

See here for all stories featuring DNeil.
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DNeil Featured By Owner 2 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Fitting indeed. Thank you so much.

Dr. Niella: Fitting? No! You can't do this. You'll never get away with this. Ahh! This is agony, and... and... humiliating.
Aletessa Featured By Owner 2 days ago  Hobbyist Writer
Thankyou :).
dellcartoons Featured By Owner 4 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Rogue AI's get all the chicks!

And have I ever told you how much I love a good acronym?

Great story! Just be careful; it comes awfully close to dA TOS violation. I hope you have this saved somewhere else, just in case
Aletessa Featured By Owner 4 days ago  Hobbyist Writer
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